Terms of Use for the 3D Warehouse has no accept button/box?

I just started using SketchUp again for the first time in years- I’m using the free version on Google Chrome. When I try to go into the 3D Warehouse, I’m greeted by the terms of use and general model license- I’ve gone through this thing multiple times and have yet to find an accept button/box anywhere. When I look it up, everyone keeps saying “scroll to the bottom” but I scroll to the bottom and it simply just ends after “11. Governing Law”. Why is this happening, and what can I do to fix it?

I am not a lawyer, but I understand that using the service implies that you are bound by the terms of use.

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I have complained about this, that the page doesn’t not lay itself out for shorter screens.

Try making the window more narrow, and scaled smaller, to see if the accept button shows up then.

Also, watch out for the cookies warning banner at the bottom. Close that, it may be sat on top of the accept button.


Thank you!! That indeed was the solution- I made the window more narrow first, then shortened it, which revealed the big blue button.

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