Template or script

Hi. I made a key chain. Basically just a name and square going through it. Is there away , a script or something to create a template where i can just change the name?[Processing: IMG-20220915-WA0073.jpeg…]


At least for the 3D text you can use this:

3D Text Editor | SketchUp Extension Warehouse
(you need to install this too: TT_Lib² | SketchUp Extension Warehouse )

Then resize the square rod after you edited the text componets

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Thank you.ill check it out…i think 5he square might become a problem

Why is that?

I have no idea what that could mean. But if you say so, there will be a problem for sure. :laughing:

Since the word will be longer or shorter so you will have to adjust the square manually.
not a biggy but was hoping theres away i can do a script like in afterfx and so on

Hi. I installed them but not sure where to access them. it still uses the standard 3d text box

I don’t know how in “afterfx and so on” goes, but certainly in Sketchup you can do a script. You just need to learn :wink::

You need to restart Sketchup after installed 3D Text Editor Extensions (and TT Lib), then:

  • Draw » Editable 3d Text
  • Context Menu » Edit Text
    (Context Menu -right click menu - will appear if you right click on previously created 3D text with this 3D Text Editor )

Can you please tell me what is that mean?

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Should only take a few seconds to do.


Bud you are awesome. Thanks