I was trying to use the guidepoints as location indicators for the timbers shown (I was about to delete the timbers and replace them with instances of a component), so I was measuring from the datum to get them located. There’s a myriad of ways I could have done this I know, but for ease I would have like to use a native tool and stuck a marker guide point thingy there. I like guide points rather that infinite guide lines as I fine the long lines distracting and the guide lines with their points are easier to know what it’s referring to (being located locally, as it were rather than infinitely, as it were :)) Anyway, I’ve used the plugin ‘Pen Tools’ to stick a guide/control point in place. I just wanted to do it with the native tape measure.
Perhaps you can now see my intention, Wo3Dan, in the gif I did, that I want to place a point on the far right timber, but it doesn’t happen. (The other little lines were just a test to make sure I was able to create guidepoints.)
I see your intention but I can’t change how the program works. And as you say, there are other ways. The closest to what you want with native tools is to copy a just created guide point to all the vertices that you would like to mark.
Note that the tail of such a guide point is “invisible” for the inferencing engine.
Ian, why are you doing this? Why are the posts groups to begin with and why delete them if you’re going to replace them with instances of a component? You could get to the same end without the guide points and deletions.
Thanks both for your answers. @DaveR There’s more to the model than this. I grouped them for the same reason you group things normally. My intentions for instances of components was so I can change them all when editing one, as normal. Yes I could get the same results loads of different ways. It was a question about the functionality of how Sketchup guide points work. I wasn’t sure if I was right and it appears I am right. So that’s that. thanks again.
I’m having the same issue creating guide lines but the solution presented didn’t seem to work. Is it possible I have another setting out of whack? I have version 19 and it is a recent problem.
Can you share a SketchUp file that shows it?
I’m a little embarrassed to admit that I don’t know how to do that. I would be happy to share if you can give me the steps
Drag the saved SKP file into your reply on the forum. Or click the Upload button at the top of the message window.
the file i’ve been working on is rather large so I created a new file and it worked just fine. So I guess I need to figure out a way to make the old files act like the new ones. Would accessing the files remotely (like dropbox smart sync) have anything to do with it?
It could be that you have Guides turned off in the larger file. Look in the View menu.
That’s not likely to cause a problem like this but it’s not wise to be working on files stored remotely. That has been attributed to files becoming corrupted and not recoverable. Better to keep the files local and work on the local file. Sync a copy to your Dropbox location after you’ve finished working on it for the day.
dear lord - guides was turned off for some reason. Thank you DAVE!!