SU Pro 2019 crashed, file format now not recognised, no AutoSaves

Thanks for the information on the true location of the backup files. Unfortunately this does not seem to be listed anywhere on the forums, preferences or help files, but the following is listed just about everywhere:

(ref: Where Are Autosave Files?)

In the folder you mention, despite SU only crashing the once, and no known other issues, I seem to have several files in there:

The v1k one is a later one so I have no idea why that’s in there (I’m now on v1w), and the ones before v1c had no issues.

Anyhow, I tried opening both of the v1c ones with SU but SU just complains with “Unexpected file format”, I tried changing the file suffix to .skp and same result. Same result with all .tmp ones. Only the ones with .skp on the end open properly, which of course also show as recoverable when SU is opened. What I don’t understand is that neither v1k or tutorial had any issues, my computer was fine and I didn’t experience any issues at all whilst using those files, so I have no idea why they are marked as recoverable.

When I change the .tmp to the .skp extension, when I hover over the file I can see the thumbnail of the file, they just don’t open.

Not a very useful AutoSave backup system is it. The v1c ones are when SU crashed and didn’t help me at all despite SU having enough time to save the AutoSave file several times.

How robust is the whole file saving in SU? Are corrupt files frequent and is it normal for loads of files build up in the temp folder as well as experiencing otherwise okay files showing in there as recoverable?