I directed a friend to SU Free (online version) to enable him to produce some simple drawings. He then tried to send them to me so that I could produce PDF files. What he actually sent appear to be text files unrecognized by my system (I am a Pro user).
Does anyone know how he should have gone about sending files to me? I don’t know much about free SU versions.
What file type did he send you? If he used File>Save, he should have gotten a file with the SKP extension and should have sent that to you. You should be able to open it with no problem. If he sent you a SKP and you can’t open it, the transporter scrambled its atoms and didn’t put them back together again. (Bones was always worried about that. ) Have him try sending it again. Or have him put it in a zip file and send it that way.
@DaveR, you weren’t anything to do with Delphi in a past life, were you??
I corrected my post as you were typing as I got the name wrong. My friend was using the online version and I believe that normally saves to the cloud. I don’t know exactly what he did in trying to send a file or how you should go about it, but clearly what he did looks wrong.
I have suggested that if his drawing is in Trimble Connect, he should be able to give me access, like any other online storage facility. I presume that is right though I have never used Connect.