SU/ LO/ AI tutorials you didn't ask for

Admit it, how many times have you thought about making a video using LayOut? Exactly, me too, every day :eyes:

Given everything happening in the world, I wanted to keep my mind engaged with something else. What could I do besides making videos in Layout?

I got a hype video from YT (don’t know what he’s singing about, I don’t know English well) + I have a collection of 2d People models - let’s get to work

The main character

  • Set the video to a lower frame rate, ( in my case, 5 fps), and export this video as .jpg images.
  • Create as many layout pages as there are frames (in my case, about 300) and place each frame in order on each page.
  • Manually draw the main character’s profile separately for each page.
  • Delete the imported .jpg images, set a green background for the chroma key.
  • Export the images as .png files and import them into After Effects (or a similar program) as a .png sequence.

I had a few ideas, but I ultimately decided to export SU animations and experiment with them in After Effects. Here’s my plan:

  • Find a stadium on 3DW and arrange my collection of 2D people models, similar to what’s shown in the video.

  • Plan to play with styles, lines, materials to create a more minimalistic look.

  • Make a general scenario of the video in my head and based on it export the video animations from SU to AE

  • Make some AE adjustments

The final AE panel looks like this:

So, what is the result? :drum: (low-quality video due to forum size limitations) :

Congratulations, if you had a weird week, I just made it even weirder for you :tada:


you just reinvented Rotoscoping :sweat_smile:

it’s like people doing art in excel. it’s not intended for that use, but if it works… well it works.

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Ingenios, Max! :slight_smile:

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I noticed this topic became increasingly popular :eyes:, so I continued developing it. This topic will likely focus more on AI.
What if I created a song describing the making of this video? How good is AI at creating a song? Well, you can decide for yourself:

  • I copied the description of the post above and pasted the description into ChatGPT’s Suno AI v4 for music and song lyrics generation.

The final result! :drum: