I just started uploading my model hours ago and yet I’m still stuck in " Sprinkling Some Magic…". Can someone please tell me what is wrong here? And yes, I’m uploading the latest version of the model
Seriously, I’m getting really frustrated already! I’m sick and tired of this kind of thing happening for no apparent reason! How am I supposed to showcase my models now?!
@mhkt9930 Keep in mind that it takes time to process a lot of models uploaded every day. So, you are basically waiting in a very long line until we get to your model. So, sometimes it takes quite a bit longer than usual when things get really busy. We are still catching up, but hopefully it won’t be much longer. Thanks for your patience.
hi, some materials of your model can cause this problem, your model will not loading even if you wait several days (an error message will appear)
If your problem is not resolved in the by waiting a bit, proceed to check all the material (especially if you are using an image as material), remove it and try agains.
This issue happen to me in a long time ago and i use sketchup 2017 too.
i hope it will help.