Hey guys, total beginner here, I’m struggling to create a sitting edge from the surface in the picture with different heights in the corners. What’s would be the workflow to do so ? There has to be an easy way…
Any help / video tutorials on this topic highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
what’s a sitting edge ?
you have multiple possible approaches for that.
without plugin, the easiest would be using the rotate tool on the top surface :
you could also work with solids and use the solid tools to substract
or use fredoscale plugin ($)
Click in sequence on the scenes tabs of this SU file for ideas.
Sitting edge.skp (318.3 KB)
Given only your image, it is difficult to be 100% sure because it isn’t clear whether it is perspective projection. However, your shape does not appear to me to start from a rounded rectangle base. Rather, it tapers from one end to the other. It would be useful if you could share your model or at least a top orthographic view with all dimensions so that we can be certain of the actual shape needed.
The taper is essential to correct modeling, because without it it is not possible to make a planar top surface using the corner heights you have given. If you pin two adjacent corners to height = 0, a rectangle using those corners will have the other two corners at the same height as each other! So either the shape is not rectangular, or the top or bottom surface is not planar.
I must point out that all the previous help suggestions ignore this basic factor and work from a rounded rectangle!