Strange Triple-Click Select Behavior Within a Solid Component

I just noticed a strange behavior with the SketchUp Pro 2016 (Mac) Select tool’s triple-click feature when applied to a particular component: it is only selecting the targeted surface and its edges, rather than selecting all connected. Triple-Click when editing any other component in the file behaves OK. If I progressively delete various random faces and edges from the problematic component, eventually triple-click on a remaining portion will select all of it. Similarly, if I delete sufficient other components in the model then triple-click will begin working to select all connected edges and faces of the particular solid component. If I Right-Click on a surface and choose Select > All Connected, it works OK (selecting all connected edges and faces).

[Edited to add: SketchUp Pro 2017 and 2018 behave OK on this particular component.]

I don’t recall seeing this before, and I’m concerned there is corruption in the model file. I’ve done a Save-As and the resulting copy of the SKP file behaves the same as the original (that is, problems triple-clicking on this one particular component). I have older copies that I had saved every day or two between editing sessions, and if I go back a couple of such generations, then the problematic component behaves OK. In the interim generations I have been working on another component.

The file is about 29MB; I’ve put a copy on DropBox here. I’m hoping someone might have insight into what is happening.

When you open the file, the component in question is highlighted here:

The highlighted component is within an outer-level component. To try reproducing the behavior, double-click on the component to open the parent (outermost-level) component, named “HGA DCS Assy”. Then double-click on the highlighted component (named “HGA DCS Drive Head Center Frame”) again to open it. Finally, try triple-clicking on some surface of the highlighted component.

The other components in the file seem to behave OK with triple-click, selecting all connected faces and edges. FYI, the components that you see in the screen-shot are scaled up 100X from normal. There is a smaller size copy of this component and various other bits and pieces off-screen. The two scenes relocate the camera to a suitable location for the small and the large copies of the components.

I’ve had this happen, but it is usually when I have gone too far with detail. Like subding to the limit, then subding again making far too many faces in one object.

But it seems to work ok for me, in fact it works better in 2016 than it does in 2018.
Here it is in 2016.

Edit: Just a note, I’m on PC so it may be a Mac issue in this case.

Hi @Box, thank you for downloading the file and checking it out. I’m interested in your observation about high detail (i.e., large numbers of edges and faces) in a component, a trait that might be associated with the “triple-click anomaly.” My component in question has a few tens of thousands of edges and faces (many of them due to simplified screw threads) which may be contributing. Thanks again!

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