Strange layout problem

I was having a problem exporting a .pdf from layout and during trouble shooting, I’ve discovered that Layout will crash during export to pdf if I add any new text to the document. Te I have tried brand new documents. Different fonts, different paper sizes, no matter what I do, if there is text in the form of a dimension, or just text, layout crashes. Any advice would be appreciated.

File exported perfectly on my other computer. I would love any advice on how to resolve the issue.

TEST2.layout (8.1 KB)

This works fine with my Layout which is 24, exports to PDF. I have sometimes heard of this behavior with specific fonts if the fonts were not available to the system as a resource but you say you have tried several fonts. Has exporting from Layout 21 recently stopped working for you? Or did it ever work? Has there been any recent change in your computer (system or drivers) that might account for the change? 21 is no longer supported so perhaps there is a clash with something.

If you export a blank page or a page with a viewport to PDF it works OK?

This issue was a new development. I tried a bunch of different things to resolve the problem. Final fix was to uninstall and reinstall Sketchup.