I’ve created a model which showed to be solid closed after using the Solid inspector. But when exported as an STL to Rhino and Sketchup it seems to be hollow.
Can anyone help?
Post the model file so a guru can take a look.
Thanks, can it be done in private messages ?
SketchUp is a surface modeler.
A SketchUp ‘Solid’, say, a box, is comprised of 12 edges supporting 6 faces with nothing inside.
Thank you, but not sure how to use your advise.
I know it is a component and was check with the Solid inspector and all was o
AS @DanRathbun pointed out, without looking at a file, we are all speculating. If you can share the .skp or the .stl file then we can look and let you know if there is an issue that may be causing Rhino to dislike the file.
You say…
SketchUp Solids are by nature, hollow.
Click on my avatar if you want to share the file via private message.
Hi @D_2016
Thanks for sharing the SketchUp model in question.
The model is definitely not a solid.
There’s no way Entity Info, Solid Inspector or other solid inspection tools could mistake it as such.
Reason being there are two Groups nested inside the Component.
Allow me a few minutes to work with the model and we’ll see if it’s fixable.
Understanding what makes a Group or Component a Solid will help you model faster and better.
A Solid in SketchUp is a single Group or Component whose geometry meets certain conditions.
When those conditions are met, Entity Info indicates the model is a Solid Group or Solid Component.
Also notice Entity Info indicates the Volume of a selected Solid.
• The geometry must form a single* airtight vessel.
Like a perfect soap bubble … •No gaps •No holes •No leaks
• No extraneous Faces** inside or outside the vessel.
All Faces must serve to enclose the singular volume of the vessel.
• No stray Edges.
All Edges must serve to support a Face that in turn serves to enclose the airtight vessel.
Thus, each Edge supports two Faces … no more, no less.
• No nested Groups or Components.
*A Solid Group or Solid Component may contain one or more separate airtight vessels.
**Best that all Faces are oriented Front Side (white) facing out.
Understanding Solid Objects in SketchUp — Aidan Chopra
• Programming & Web Design Articles - dummies
• http://www.aidanchopra.com/web-content/chapter-6/understanding-solids
Solid Inspection/Repair Tools
TIG: SolidSolver
ThomThom: Solid Inspector²
Thank you,
I thought that everything was ok .
I’ve used the Curviloft to create 2 curved surfaces inside that seemed to be ok.
Do you know what should I have done differently ?
Tiny geometry left inside is part of the problem.
X-Ray mode can help you spot those.
I think I got it.
I’ve exploded the 2 curved surfaces and also deleted some lines . And Created a one group for all. It seems to be working now
Yes, I did the same as well as reversing a few back side out faces and Entity Info reports ‘Solid’.
Open Outliner and you’ll see a stray Group that’s hard to see in the model space. Delete that too.
The only remaining issue is the model is slightly wracked off the x,y axes.
Not sure if that tiny amount is a problem.
It’s a difficult thing to fix in such a complex model.
Nonetheless, the model demonstrates quite a bit of modeling skill.
I’ll PM the model with text notes back to you.
Thank you so much
What is “Reversing a few back side out faces”?
Thank you for the Solid Solver tool. I’ve tried using it but it seems to also delete important lines on the side of the model that created bigger holes
SketchUp tries to guess which orientation is correct when it creates a Face.
If a Face ends up oriented the wrong way, you simply reverse it so they’re all the same.
Just be sure your Faces and Surfaces are oriented the right way.
Faces and Surfaces in SketchUp have a Front side and a Back side.
Each side of a Faces has its own individual material attribute.
SketchUp’s default face materials are: White = Front and Bluish Gray = Back
Faces and Surfaces retain their Front / Back property regardless of what other materials you might apply.
You change face orientation by using the Context Menu commands.
Right context click on a face and select … Reverse Faces or Orient Faces.
You can check face orientation anytime by viewing the model in Monochrome Face Style.
Face orientation is important when exporting as certain file formats and renderers only support single-sided faced polygons. It follows then, best modeling practice is to keep all visible faces of a model oriented such that the Front Side (white) faces outward.
Note when a face is selected the Entity Info Box displays two material swatches.
There, the left swatch is the Front side material; the right swatch is the Back side material.
You can change/edit the front or back face material by clicking on the respective swatch.
I didn’t know that.
I’ve been learning Sketchup for 2 months now and like it very much.
Thank you for the file.
I see the X Y distortion but don’t think it will have much effect on the actual model.
Is there a faster way to master Sketchup other than practicing and Youtube ?
Perhaps, a Vulcan mindmeld, if you can even find a vulcan with the talent.
I already miss Spock…Lol
Sharing your results with more advanced users / showing an advanced user what you made and explaining how you made it and exchanging ideas how to improve that workflow.
Reading SketchUp D’OH-ebook The D'oh Book | SketchUcation
Just using the software a lot and see which workflow fits you best; there are multiple ways / strategies to make something in 3d.
Thank you guys for all your help