Stacked viewports upper is obscuring lower

I’m trying to create some construction documentation in Layout where I’m showing underground piping beneath the basement floor plan.

The lines representing the path of the piping I have in a Style with profiles, to give me a very visible line, and the basement floor plan scene is a different Style with profiles turned off.

The bottom viewport is the lines representing the pipe paths, with profiles, and the upper vp is the plan with profiles off.

The viewport of the plan hides the viewport of the lines below it as if it was opaque. If I reverse the order, vp with lines on top of plan, same thing occurs.

I’ve tried this with the viewports on the same layer and different layers, no change in the result.

I read in another post on this topic about turning off “Hidden Line” and “Background”. I’m not finding these check boxes anywhere in my Style window / tabs.

I know it’s something obvious that I’m missing here…

Can someone please tell me what it is?


Each viewport should be on its own layer. Don’t stack viewports on the same layer or you can’t get to the lower ones in the stack.

You need to edit the style in SketchUp. Set background color to white and turn off Sky and Ground if they are on. If you want to show simple black lines and nothing else use Hidden Line for the face style in the top viewport and vector rendering. Or if you want the objects in the top viewport to obscure the background use Hybrid render.

If needed, untick the Background tickbox in the Styles section of the SketchUp Model panel in LayOut.

If there’s geometry such as a floor or walls behind the stuff you want to show in the top viewport, you need to turn off the tags for those objects.

If you share the LO file it would help.

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Here’s a link to the LO file, Dave.


yes! that worked, Dave!

Thank you! You’re a genius. I think I’ve mentioned before about preserving your brain…

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I set your top viewport to Vector rendering and the plumbing showed up fine. I gaver the tag a color and made them thicker.

FWIW, you could replace the three scenes in your SketchUp model with just one and control the visibility of tags in LayOut.

Oh, make sure you are using tags correctly. All edges and faces untagged. Only groups and components get tags.

Excellent ideas here, Dave. I like the way you colored the tag with the lines.

Thanks for you help!


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