Join us at Noon (MDT) today and we will model a spinning wheel!
Here is a link to the plans that I will be using and the awesome website where I found them.
Pillars.skp (3.2 MB)
Thanks for another enjoyable live stream, Aaron. I always learn things while watching the way you model. It’s a good thing.
A little progress on my version of your wheel.
Question for you, Aaron. What procedure would you use to model the drive cord? I did it but I bet you have an easier method.
Is that a single cord? If it is, is it a tension thing?
Ian, it is a single cord that crosses over itself. I put the crossover on the far side from the view. The turned thing on top of the tall pillar, above and to the left of the sheaves has a threaded shaft that goes into a block mortised into the pillar. The end of the shaft on which the flyer (the U-shaped thing) and the bobbin turn goes into the block. Turning the knob on top adjusts how high the tension block is and in turn, the tension applied to the drive cord.
I missed the livestream yesterday, but what an interesting machine. I don’t have time at the moment, but I’ve been thinking of doing the animator plugin on one I’d love to have a go at that.
The crossover cord just noodled my brain for how to animate it. It might take some figuring to get that cord to rotate around, or maybe it wouldn’t be noticed anyway if it were stationary.
All theoretical thinking of course…
I spent and hour this morning to finish the last few pieces and post this.
Honestly, it was a lot easier to do with two monitors! I could just model in one window from an image on the other screen!
Nice work, Aaron.
You too, Dave! And the belt was weird… not sure how correct it was…
It’s not too bad. I’m curious about how you approached modeling it.
You kept your model lighter than mine. So far mine is at about 26 Mb.
I wonder if the extra hole in Base Plank 1 is to store the distaff.
Could you use a model for 3D printing at 3D Basecamp? Every part in my model is solid including the drive band although a solid drive band wouldn’t be very functional.
That WOULD be an interesting printing project!!