I’ve created a mess for myself trying to create a dynamic window model, which has many subcomponents that need tweaking, renaming, and in some cases combining. I’m having a hard time keeping all the moving parts organized in my head, which is augmented by my inability to keep them organized in my components attributes list.
Is there a way to organize the components (parent and sub) in the components attributes list alphabetically?
Based on a previous thread it seems like the only way to create order is by removing and re-adding a subcomponent to a parent list via the outliner, but that only places the subcomponent at the bottom of the list.
If I understand correctly, that would make it very hard to maintain order in a complex model undergoing continuous editing. Say I have a model with 50 sub-components that I’ve managed to get in perfect logical order, but find that I need to add another, it would be added to the bottom of the list automatically. If I need the newly added component to reference the LenZ of the first on the list and the LenY of the 3rd on the list, it would take a lot of scrolling, but to place it adjacent to it’s sibling parts, I’d have to re-add all other 48 sub components to get them below the newly added item.
Imagine having to add several new components and this very quickly becomes a substantial task.
If not alphabetically, or numerically, is there anyway of “auto sorting” a whole list in any way other than the order in which it was added?