Anyone else not able to use the dynamic features with some Marvin components- particularly the “Essentials”? Seems anything from the dynamic “essentials” collection won’t work, even though it shows the Dynamic icon.
But the “Ultimate” collection seems to work? Flextools and other dynamic extensions are working for me, so the functionality is working.
I just find the Marvin components to be a little easier to work with and am trying to make a custom windows library for quicker use and deciding between the two methods.
If the Options window remains empty, one thing to try is importing the component and then exploding it (once). If it now shows its parameters in the Dynamic Component Options window, it had the common mistake of having an extra “wrapper”.
Some manufacturers also disable entirely the use of the Scale tool with their components so you have to set the object’s size strictly by using the options given in the Options window.
Tried that and it’s the same, as I saw some conversation about that on the forums as well. Also tried downloading the file from the warehouse on its own and checking it out, but it’s a handful of components and no component wrapper at all- and none of the components have options.
I have to assume it’s this particular collection form Marvin, which is unfortunate. I had thought if the dynamic icon is showing on the model info in the Warehouse then it’d come with the features? Or maybe it’s a tag the creator flags when uploading to the warehouse? I dunno.
Checked one of the windows in the Essentials collection. I think it is missing a furter “Wrapper” layer, as the Component Attributes window shows a lot of missing parameter values that refer to a component, probably a parent component that would also carry the parameters that the user sees in the Options dialog.