This has been a problem since I started using 2023. The snaps will work for a command and then upon ending the action and starting another (say a move and then a rotate), when I try to get a snap for the second action it doesn’t register until I shift my view or do a slight orbit and then snaps start working again. I’ve updated the latest drivers for my card yet this continues to happen. It’s also worth noting that I work in ortho 90% of the time which is where this occurs. When I’m in perspective it hasn’t been an issue.
Snaps are noticeably slower and a little unreliable for me in the latest version 23.1.329 (the “new” icon update). Going to revert back a release for now, I think.
I agree. This release has some very annoying issues. Snaps are noticeably glitchy and will sometimes not work. Having to “shake” the view with the pan tool in order for snapping to start is very frustrating. Hoping this with other issues are fixed. I’m weary of posting others as the community is quick to slam anyone if it’s already been posted. I’m sure the developers are working hard to fix things.
And yes I have updated my drivers and am using a 3080ti so that’s not the issue.
My students are also getting frustrated with latest laptops so I know the issue is in the software.
I sent a link to this topic to the developers, and they don’t think there should be a performance difference between 23.0 and 23.1. Can you give us a model and some steps, that will show the difference you’re seeing?
Hi Colin. Is there a private server or separate chat we can discuss and share files?
You can click on my avatar and send me a private message with any links you don’t want to appear for everyone.
@colin Can you link to previous SU release versions? I’d like to revert until these bugs are addressed but can’t seem to find any official downloads. “older versions” downloads are major (22, 23 etc) only and not minor releases.
Found release notes, but no links:
You would need to uninstall 2023.1, then here are the 2023.0.2 installers:
Thanks. Is there a public facing download page with these listed somewhere I had missed?
The real lesson is that you should keep your installers for a few major versions so that they can be rerun if needed to repair, uninstall or reinstall.
Nah, plenty of pro software leaves a “downloads” page for their user base to choose from, should issues like these arise.
I also have this problem. Luckily I had kept the 2022 version which works perfectly. Very annoying though, to have to re save all files to the previous version in both Skp and Layout.
no need. Sketchup files are version-free since 2021.
They redid the compression and managed to provide a multi-version format.
you can see it here. before and now.
it’s a generally good rule, SU is a small software, talking 2-3 GB here. better keep the previous version installed for a few month just in case.
(not just SU, I used to do that with archicad too. Any software that install a separate instance can do that. new isn’t always better, especially if your machine isn’t a top-of-the-line brand new model. I’d rather revert to the previous one if needed than get stuck)
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