Few days ago I have finished my the latest project of famous Czechoslovakian express train from 1936 known as “Slovakian bullet”. In 1936 it was one of the fastest train with maximum speed 130 km/h . It has special engine, up to 85km/h is electric and then petrol. This train was produced by Tatra company in Kopřivnice in the Czechoslovakia.
In march 2022 I started drafted the model in Sketchup 2020 and I worked on it in my free time for 6 months. I developed the model in cooperation with the TV magazine POZOR VLAK (Attention, train). I share link to reportage in this topic, but it’s only in czech language. But you can see how I made the model. Finally you can visit my website for more images, renders, videos, etc. - everything what I have created during last 6 months aboout the model. www.mikibroz.cz/slovenska-strela-125
The Tatra company produced two trains in 1936. One of them falled in fire around 1950 and the second went to museum. This the second train was reconstructed in 2020 and twice a year it goes with passengers by museum trips.
This train looks progressive in many ways. Modern passenger rail transport uses for the most part designs derived from trains like this. The war interrupted development in many ways and culturally I feel that here in Finland the 1930s continued well into the mid-1960s.
Thank you all! I’m really glad You like it. I’ve drafted in Sketchup for 3D printing since 2016 and I’m interestred in these big railway modelles about 3 years. During the time I’ve improved my workflow skills. There are some things which would be better in Sketchup but now I don’t know better software for 3D modeling for 3D print then Sketchup.