Sloped roofs and uneven wall heights

Hello, I need advice on how to build the attached floor plan in SketchUp. As you can see, the wall have different heights, and there will be a sloped roof going from 460cm to 200cm.

So far, I have been successful at building simple models with rectangular shapes and no sloped roofs, but I’m really struggling to understand how to approach this one. It has different angles on all the walls, which I think I can create easily using the protractor, but I’m confused about how to create the walls at the upper side, and the roof.

I’ve found some videos online about how to create different types of roofs, but all the ones I found focus on the exterior, which means the interior is still a regular square or rectangle with even wall heights.

Can someone help me out :slight_smile: ?

Also, I hope I tagged the right category.

You haven’t stated it but I’m assuming the roof is a single plane.
What I’d do is:
Model the roof in its intended position/angle/slope.
Extend the external walls up well beyond the roof height.
Cut/Slice the walls to the underside of the roof using whatever method/plugin suits you.
Delete the excess wall above the roof.
If the internal walls also have to hit the sloping roof I’d do them at the same time otherwise they’d simply extend to the flat ceiling.

Thanks Paul! Yes, luckily the roof is a single plan. I was actually trying this option out, but didn’t know about the cut/slice. So just to confirm, is the attached what you mean? It’s not the final version to cut/slice, just so I know I understand correctly. I know I’ll have to extend the walls higher probably so that the highest area would also be covered.

Yea, something like that.
Remember, you are NOT making a real building; you’re making a model that ‘looks’ like one.
Extend those walls much higher and that roof further out before you slice them, it makes cleaning up the excess after much easier.

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Yeah, I’d do something like that; just remember to extend your cutting object so that it has an overhang, otherwise you may have some nasty results…

This might help.

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Yup, I’m only interested in the interior view anyways, so probably it doesn’t even matter if the exterior is neat or not.

Managed! I’ve attached a screenshot of the sloped roof and then using the section plane to view the interior! Thanks everyone, super helpful. :star_struck:

ok… only you know what is important to your project !