SKP Studio - Scan Essentials - Shortcuts - Turn off point cloud (missing)

Have been a long-time user of Undet for SKP and recently transitioned to Scan Essentials - using .e57 point clouds out of a Faro scanner for architectural purposes.

A small issue that I’m coming up against - I assume that it’d also be an easy fix -

Window > Sketchup Preferences > Shortcuts > “Scan Essentials”

There is no option to assign a keyboard shortcut for ‘Turn off point cloud’ - this would be incredibly useful.


How about the “Display SketchUp Model Only” function?


omg - face palm!

thanks @Anssi - that worked.
clearly the coffee hasn’t kicked in -

conforming the language between the tooltip over the toolbar icon and the shortcut menu would probably not be the worst idea, but am rocking and rolling -