Sketchup Viewer wont open files from iCloud Drive app

When I tap on the file on the iCloud Drive, and download it, then I tap on the “share” button. There I have the option to “Copy in SketchUp”. I select that option and SketchUp Viewer opens up but no file is shown.
It works well on email attachements though. I have to send to my self the files to open them, which is very unpractical.

@andresvilas, Is this a file specific issue? Can you check the behavior with a simple cube model.


Thanks for your reply.
It happens with all the files. I tried with a simple cube model as well, the same results.
So, it doesn’t seem to be a file specific issue.

I just bought the mobile app. I’m using an iPad Pro. And have the same problem. I can’t open any model
Not from my google drive and not from my iCloud.

I have contacted customer support and they were able to reproduce the issue. They are going to add it to their list for future improvements of the SketchUp Mobile Viewer.

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