Sketchup Viewer crashes on start up

Just installed Sketchup Viewer om iPad using iOS 12.1.4. App closes after a view seconds and home screen of my iPad apears. Switching off and on of my iPad didn’t help.

What should I do to make the app work?

Thanks for your help.

Kind regards,

This happens to me too. Running on an iPad mini 2 with 12.1.4 with 16 gigs of free space. App startup screen launches for a few seconds, screen goes black and returns to the home screen.


Same happening here with iPad mini 2 that used to handle it well.

Same thing happens to me on IPad Air . If I delete the app, then reinstall, same result. This has occurred after installing the latest viewer update. Previous versions worked fine.

It looks like a bigger problem than incidental. Did Sketchup react allready?


Install new update :wink:

Today’s update fixed the problem for me. Thanks!

Not crashing any more.

Tries to load model.

But just a blank screen.

Just make v4 available until you get v5 sorted.