Sketchup Viewer Collaboration (Hololens 2)

Is there a collaboration mode between Hololens 2’s in the viewer app? There seems to be the option in VR headsets but not within the Hololens Viewer app.

I’m in a bit of a situation, it seemed to me that the app had the capability to collaborate on a model so i bought two Hololens 2’s, only to find that Hololens Viewer seemingly didn’t have the capability to share an experience within the app yet :grimacing:

You need to set up a project and invite others.

Does doing that add the collaboration feature to the Hololens app?

My thinking was that it takes two to tango.

I ended up reaching out to Trimble directly, they are working currently on collaboration for the Hololens Viewer but it isn’t available on the app yet.

Setting up a project and inviting others is how Trimble Connect works, which is another app that you can upload Sketchup models onto, but unfortunately the license to fully unlock the app doesn’t come standard with the Sketchup pro subscription and requires another monthly fee.

Although the clarity of the applications capabilities/subscriptions are lacking a bit, I’m still glad to hear it’s on the way.

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