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Made me go digging in a drawer - probably my first venture into 3D CAD was '86~'87 with MiniCAD (which over time morphed into Vectorworks). Handrail profile spun into a large termination post. This is a scan from a wide carriage Image Writer (dot matrix printer).

I was trying to resolve a geometry problem with the handrail profile at a landing that I now recognize as a problem that follow me can’t do, but @eneroth3’s Upright Extruder solves. Hey, it was a Macintosh Plus, I didn’t know what to expect, and I was game to try anything.

The next 3D thing was Architrion which I finally gave up on in 1990, but that’s another story. I found the right tool with UpFront around '93, but there’s another thread for that.