Community Members Question

Hey SketchUp Friends!

I’m building a new community, unrelated to SketchUp, and always enjoyed my time at the helm here.

  • I’m curious about what it is that brings you back everyday, or what keeps you going?
  • Have you joined other communities and abandoned ship quickly?
  • How recently have you looked into joining another community, and did you do it?

You should answer the stuff above first, my thoughts might spoil your answer.

I have my own answers for this, as I was constantly asked at Google how to help other teams get an equally engaged community. Trimble groups asked a couple of times as well.

I always laughed because there was nothing at Google that was creative, nor at Trimble, so I attributed the primary success that got it started was the ability to explore things in a creative manner. Then stick around because you’ve made friends.

That being said, I did also get to talk to Sages on a regular basis, and a popular answer was “helping people get better at SketchUp made ME better at SketchUp.”


When I first had a SketchUp question I no doubt found the Google forums, and while I was there I read other people’s questions. Some were interesting questions, and I would work out the answer, and reply. Some amount of time later I was a Top Contributor with Google, and migrated to be a Sage when the forums were eventually on

If I wasn’t coming back for work reasons, I probably would still come back. Not sure if it’s an addiction or an affliction. I can’t stop myself from trying to help.

I have joined plenty of communities. Not fully sure why they don’t get me to come back a lot. Reddit and Discourse are examples, where I’m in no hurry to go back and check.

I am signed up for Threads and BlueSky. They are early days, and I was never a huge Twitter or Messenger participant. Not sure if I will use them much.


The SketchUp forum is by far the best forum I have ever participated in. I first came here 2 decades ago because of some problem I had with modeling and was pleasantly surprised by the quick and thorough responses. I learned a lot here on the forum (even more from reading than from asking) and wanted to give back to the community. That’s when I started to help others who came here for help. And as you said, I did indeed learn a lot about SketchUp by trying to solve other people’s problems…


One of the reasons I keep coming back is that I have learned more in the forum than the videos not produced by Sketchup.


I read the forums for years without an account as a lot of the problems I was having as a learner were the same others were having. Its only recently I created an account and got more involved in order to give the kind of support I had. I’m also always interested in seeing the content people put in the galleries as you get to see how different industries are using Sketchup and how they are solving problems.

I use the Lumion Forum as well but I really tailed of using it once the version I was using stopped being current and the general discussions became less relevant. Its also a lot quieter and feels less populated.