Sketchup Shop Plus Sketchup Free

Hi all
I just added Sketchup Shop.
I also have Sketchuo Free Listed in Plan.
I cannot see the difference from the Free version to the paid Shop version.

Should I delete the whole thing and start over?
I dont want the free, and it states its active, I just want the Shop.
Hope I explained this clearly
Please advise me what to do

Thanks in advance

Sign out of your account and sign back in. Then when you open SketchUp, it should open to SketchUp Shop. Easy ways to tell if you have shop include things like no SketchUp watermark in the upper right corner and full availability of the Solid Tools.

Will the tool bar be different?

You will no longer see all the padlock icons on import / export options, and the Outliner will work.
ADD: Also Material and Styles customization and Trimble Connect for Business (unlimited “stuff”.)

As Dan said, you’ll no longer see locks. Otherwise the toolbars will be the same.

I loged out then back in… It sure looks like I have 2 frees under Plan.

I have for instance 6 colors under Building materials…is this normal?

I will look for the locks

Thanks for the help guys

That’s the “In Model” materials collection. It’s the clothing colors of the “Helen” component.
(Well, also her skin and hair.)

ADD: When you click the house icon, you see all the materials that have been added to the model.
To access the libraries, click the browse (magnifying glass) icon as shown in Dave’s image below. (The current choice has a blue underlining.)

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I don’t have a materials library called Building Material. I’ve got this:

You might need to clear the caches for your internet browser after you’ve logged out.

Ahh Its looking better, after clicking the Mag. glass to bring up materials.
I cant find the inport /export tab


Perfect…Thanks for the Speedy help all

Much much apreciated:smiley:

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