Sketchup se me cierra inesperadamente

cuando trabajo y voy a empezar a modelar en vray, se me cierra sketchup inesperadamente, de pronto

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Blockquote when I work and I’m going to start modeling in vray, sketchup closes unexpectedly, all of a sudden

What version of SketchUp? What version of Mac OS? Please complete your profile. What version of Vray?

Do you get Bug Splats? Are you sending them in with some identifying information like your e-mail address?

Hello DaveR,
I am having a similar problem, when I clic on Render in the Frame Buffer, Sketch Up closes unexpectedly. You can see the information in my profile, version of Vray 5.20.05.

Hi Joisy,

You should post this in the Extending SketchUp–Vray category.

It’s done, thank you!

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