When I open V Ray 7 in sketchup 2024 pro : Sketchup suddenly closes!

Hello everyone,

I need urgent help!

I have a client presentation two days ago and I have a problem with Vray for sketchup.

I hope someone can help me. I have been looking for a solution to my problem for three hours already.

I am using Sketchup 2024.

I installed Vray, annual solo license, on sketchup.

For information: I have already used Vray on sketchup and everything worked very well.

now I took a Vray license, I downloaded and installed the license on Sketchup.

The license is active.

When I want to open V-Ray, by clicking on an icon in the Vray toolbar, Sketchup closes immediately! Big bug.

I have already tried about ten times, especially with an empty file, and the problem occurs again.

Can’t open VRay in sketchup without crashing Sketchup.

Does anyone have any idea of ​​a solution?


Vray 6?

When vray7 was released, there were reports of similar crashes. Looks like chaos didn’t release an update fixing it?

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J’ai téléchargée la version 6 et ça semble fonctionner ! En tous cas Sketchup ne coupe pas d’un coup quand j’ouvre VRay. Je vais travailler un peu pour voir si ça tient la route.

Merci en tous cas !!!

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De toute évidence ce n’est pas viable sur le long terme, c’est une rustine.

Mais en attendant qu’ils publient un correctif qui touche à ton problème, la v6 fera le job et tu pourras atteindre tes deadlines :slight_smile: