Sketchup Pro: plane equation for CFace is not valid

Hi, I’ve been working on a SketchUp exporter and when I try to open the exported models in SketchUp Pro, I get these errors sometimes:

So I went and removed the faces which area was < 0.0001, and it solved the errors. The thing is, when doing that I remove more faces than SketchUp would if I let it fix my models, so may I know exactly when SketchUp flags a plane equation as invalid? I don’t want to be removing valid faces unnecessarily.


I was having the same problem, even on small object like a square on red or green axis, once i duplicate the object i was having trouble to select it or color it. Therefore i proceeded this way to fix the problem:

  1. In Sketchup open the “Windows” menu, find the “File info” then click on “Purge unused” then click on “Fix Problems”
  2. Save the file.
  3. Restart Sketchup.
  4. Open a new file and “Import” the previously saved one.

The error should be fixed.

This is a programming category.

The original poster is asking for information to effect a coding solution using the C API.


… and BTW, the button for manually running Fix Problems is:
Window (menu) > Module Info (dialog) > Statistics (panel) > Fix Problems (button)

However, with SketchUp 2021 and higher, Fix Problems always runs automatically. If you have found a situation where it does not automatically fix problems when opening or importing a SKP file, then please post an example model file that gets by the fixing. The Devs definitely will want to know this and open an issue for it.