SketchUp Pro 2018 is here

And just like that, another update for SketchUp Pro and LayOut is here! As always, we appreciate the suggestions and feedback you give us.

Now, we know you’re excited to hear about all the new bells and whistles in our desktop software, but we have another announcement to share. Along with a major update for SketchUp Pro, we’re also bringing our web modeler out of beta and introducing SketchUp Free to the world! Through Trimble Connect, it works in tandem with SketchUp Pro, and we hope you’ll give it a try.

But you may also be wondering…

What’s new in SketchUp Pro 2018?

  • Advanced Attributes allow you to embed your model with useful information right when you create and manage components. We’ve added fields for Price, Size, URL, Owner, and Status to component creation as well as Entity Info dialogues. And, you’ll still be able to add custom attributes via Dynamic Components (of course).
  • Aggregation in Generate Report is a simple but powerful ‘Group By’ method for organizing and configuring customized reports. This sounds complex, but it’s actually quite simple to create useful take-offs from Generate Report!
  • IFC Export Improvements ensure that the attributes you assign or manipulate in SketchUp stay with with your work when it leaves SketchUp.
  • Named Section Planes make it sooo much easier to find, organize, and edit section plane entities in your models. Here’s a look at how it works.
  • Filled, Styled Section Cuts are now baked into SketchUp Pro. Open Styles > Edit > Modeling and toggle on ‘Section Fills.’ Now, anytime you cut through a solid section, you’ll see it fill in (in any color you choose!)
  • Section Plane Performance: While we were at it, we improved performance for models that use section planes to hide large amounts of geometry. Basically, the more geometry you section off, the more you’ll benefit.
  • Outliner now loads component names in alphabetical and numerical order.
  • STL Import/Export, by far our most popular extension, is now native to SketchUp Pro!
  • Our Preferences Refactor means that SketchUp and LayOut preferences are now organized and migrated the same way between version upgrades.
  • Anti-Aliasing for Mac! It’s here! Those smooth lines you love aren’t only on Windows anymore!

And now in Layout…

  • Scaled Vector Drawing is now part of LayOut! Draft in 2D at scale using the new “Scaled Drawing” panel. Create a scaled drawing from scratch or draw over an existing SketchUp viewport. Let’s take a look at some ways this is crazy useful.
  • Group Edit / Entity Locking now works just like it does in SketchUp. Group and lock portions of your model to make edits or hide the rest of your document while you work. We think you’ll find it’s a LOT easier to select, edit, and move things around a multi-layered LayOut page.
  • Drawing Tool Improvements: We made thirty improvements to drawing tools including arc, line, move, rotate, offset, and select to facilitate even better drawing capabilities.
  • DWG Import is here! Now, your DWG files come into LayOut at scale, and the pages, title blocks, and blocks that your team created are supported. Even better, LayOut users can now help themselves to the vast world of free DWG libraries.
  • Multi-Viewport Dimensioning means you can draw dimensions across SketchUp viewports in order to create excellent section details.
  • Precise Dimensions: LayOut dimensions can now be as precise as SketchUp dimensions. That’s up to 0.000001 inches. If you do the math: that means LayOut can show the decimal equivalent of 1/64” (0.015625”).
  • Advanced Attribute Labels: Like all of the information in your model, the advanced attributes you created in SketchUp are accessible via LayOut Labels.

Well, I think that just about covers it. Let me and the rest of the SketchUp team know what you like and what you love, and if there’s something amiss, we’re all ears.


Hardly upgrades. Still awaiting better DWG import in SU. Will there ever be support for line weights, and hatches?


Filled section cuts is a big leap into that direction. Hopefully line weights and line stipple will be added in a future version.


Have you checked out the new DWG/DXF support in LayOut 2018? We support line weights and hatching on imported DWG/DXF files there now. Is there a particular reason why you would rather have support for hatching and line weights in SketchUp than in LayOut?


No UI update (at least on Mac), really?

Actually, SketchUp Pro 2018 includes the long-awaited Anti-Aliasing for Mac! Not sure if it “counts” as a UI update, but SketchUp looks better on Mac than ever before.


14 posts were merged into an existing topic: Sketchup 2019 Feature Requests

Also happy to have filled section cuts with this release. Hopefully we can get section fills with materials/hatches by entity in future versions.

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Is this a gradual rollout? In SU Pro 2017, it’s still saying that I have the most current version. Also, what happened to the direct download page?


SketchUp 2018 is a new install (as opposed to an updated version of 2017). You can find the download on our website.

If you’re a pro user, you’ll receive your update email in the next day or so. If you’d like to check out 2018 right now, you can use our license manager and download 2018 from our website.


Thanks. That’s the page I was looking for. I used the license manager and apparently, the license# has changed slightly for the updated 2018 version.

Agreed, filled section cuts is long over due…BUT…how did they not include hatching? It’s drafting 101…


To be fair it takes a lot of time and it can be a good idea to implement things in steps and get feedback in between from users.

I for one don’t want a separate, fill-specific hatch system build from scratch that users need to re-learn. Instead I think users should be able to paint Section Fills with any material, whether it’s a hash or something else. That in combination with support for vector textures could be used for 1) crisp vector hatches on fills, 2) any custom non-hatch texture on fills and 3) crisp vector patterns for any face, e.g. brick texture on a wall.

I don’t know how a hatch feature would have been implemented if it was done right away before first getting feedback from users.

This is just a guess: because in the realm of things they need to support and prioritizing new features based on limited funds, personnel, and time, they had to make a business decision. It would seem that the best business decision was to let the Skalp team have what they needed for the release of SU 2018. Plus, Skalp is really good software, made by really good people, who stand by their product. I’m not sure I’ve ever had better customer service from anyone. That is just my opinion though.

Also, a decentralized development strategy clearly works for SketchUp, keeps their product lean, and allows them to focus on what they are best at. Considering that they are up against Autodesk, I think their strategy has worked incredibly well, allowing them to continue to expand their core product, and allowing the community to add to their product as they see fit.

I have my wishlist too though, I would love to see a little easier (i.e. with Sketch Up’s intuitiveness) parametric modeling capability. Not sure how to do it elegantly, but I would love to see it.

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That would be nice to use the trackpad when I’m on the go for showing a model or editing where there’s no room for a mouse. It is inconvenient to keep hitting “o” to switch to the orbit tool. Especially if holding shift while two-finger orbiting activated panning.

Just to be clear, are you asking to have a dark grey theme for the UI instead of a light grey theme?

The fact that you even have to explain this is a bit of a worry to me!

It’s the most requested feature of all time.
And would be pretty simple to implement, even if it’s just a tweak to layout to assign lineweights & types based on SU layers, groups, materials, etc.
Can layout have extensions added?

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Have to agree with the ‘Release Input Boxes on “Enter/Return”’. One of my biggest bug bears. Don’t do it so much now, but I always have to consciously tell myself to click anywhere else before pressing a shortcut key.

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Are there any issues with downloading and testing out SU Pro 2018 while still having 2017 installed and usable? For projects that are in the midst of production, you know the old adage of not switching horses mid-stream.

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