SketchUp model not opening anymore, SketchUp says that it may have been deleted

So, I 've been working on an enormous model for about a month now, and suddenly the file went corrupt, I think. See, all of a sudden it wouldn’t save anymore, saying “There was an error saving the file”. and on top of that, Saving is what I needed most at that point, since it crashed every 5 minutes, no exaggeration there. And then suddenly random, large portions of my model disappeared. I’m talking like a random wall here, the entire freaking nose of the plane right there, and then there were a bunch of added walls that I never placed. And this was concerning, so I tried to open a previous version of the model (from Trimble connect), as a matter of fact I have some 307 (or was it 309?) versions of that model in “History”. But when I tried to open it, it started saying “Downloading…” which I thought was strange, but then again, I had never opened a previous version of anything before, so I wouldn’t know if that is supposed to happen or not. And then after roughly 20 minutes of waiting for it to download, it suddenly says “There was an error downloading the file. The file may have been deleted from Trimble Connect”. Well, it clearly isn’t deleted from Trimble Connect, because I literally just tried to open it from Trimble connect. Is there a way to fix this? And even if I get this issue fixed, it is concerning enough of a problem that the crashing and saving errors had happened in the first place. So, I also wanted to just let the community know of this issue so that someone might be able to fix it soon.

Oh, and if it helps any people looking to solve the issue, I am working on my own B-29 without 3D warehouse (because I will put it into a game, so I need to make it myself) and was working on switches for the Flight Engineer’s panel. Everything was fine there. Then, I reoriented the switches on the central control console. Everything was fine there. After that, I added 2 switches to the Bomb Aimer’s Station. Everything was still going fine there. It was only when after the 2 switches I went to make the Radio dials for the Radio Operator’s Station. In doing that, all the crashing and save errors began. And, the missing and extra walls also only appeared after that. And I had made about a hundred tiny, even-more-advanced dials before then, so I really don’t think that the dials were too complicated and caused a crash or anything.

If you can go to, and see the model in the recent models, click on the three dots menu for that model. Choose History, and you’ll see a list of versions of the file. Assuming the last one is going to have problems, try loading the previous one, see if it opens in the editor. If it does, and you can tell that you haven’t lost too much work, you could restore to that version.

You could try the most recent one first, and if it manages to open, show the components panel and click on the purge button to remove any that are not in use. Then do the same for the materials panel. The button looks like this:


See if purging those things is enough for the model to then save ok.

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