I installed the Sketchup Pro trial & after it expired I decided to use Sketchup Make free. It downloads & installs with no errors, but when I start it it tells me my trial has ended. Found no way around this.
Did you uninstall SU Pro?
Also make sure to install as administrator.
For the avoidance of doubt: you must always install any complex app - like SketchUp - by logging in as your normal user-account, then selecting its installer exe icon [in Downloads ?] and then from the right-click > context-menu - you choose “Run as administrator”…
If it’s already installed try “Repair”…
There is NO free/make version of v2018 on a desktop computer.
When the Pro trial ends it will never work unless you get a license…
There is a v2018 ‘free’ version that is only on the web - search for that…
In recent versions of SketchUp if you install the Pro version it stops after some days use, and will not continue unless you enter a license code.
If you install a SketchUp Make version [v2017 and earlier] it runs for some days will Pro features [as a trial] but after that it should auto-revert to the limited ‘Make’ [aka Free] version.
The free [non-commercial] Make version is still available up to v2017.
Get and install that - if that is what is appropriate to your usage…
I have never installed any software as Admin and yes I uninstalled the Pro trial first. I have done this twice with same results. Before the second try I ran my utility to clear cache, old files, invalid shortcuts, etc.
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