Sketchup/ Layout Export Issue

When I am exporting to PDF (either on sketchup or on layout) it is zooming in like 3x and exporting a pdf which is basically useless to me.

Process: I set the scene and placed it in layout.
Exported Pdf, it prints it extremely zoomed in.

Tried exporting from Sketchup directly, same issue.

Please help!

Is your LayOut page much smaller than the viewport you have placed there? Are you printing to PDF or exporting?
Post your LayOut file if you want more than guesses.

I have uploaded both a screenshot of the layout and and the pdf exported.

The model is quite large (its a part of a more complex model), I can put it on a link?

lines.pdf (9.5 KB)

To answer your questions:

  1. no viewport fits well within layout

  2. I am exporting

Yes, you can upload it to Dropbox or WeTranfer and share a link here in a comment.
Make sure it is set to public…

Here is the link you all, please i hope there is a solution :frowning:

In File>Document Setup>Rendering, untick the Output Override box and then try the export.

You have your model placed nearly two and a half kilometers from the origin. This creates graphical isses. You should move your model to the origin after resetting the axes. Moving the axes does not move the model origin.

After that you will need to update your scenes but then you’ll be able to let LayOut render the viewport as Vector or Hybrid.

I would also suggest fixing the incorrect tag usage. All edges and faces should be created and remain untagged. This is the result of fixing that in your model.

Thanks Dave! You’re a savior!
Unchecking the override box has fixed the issue of zooming in, but now its not exporting as vector, how do I fix that?

Im facing a weird issue, as soon as i select ‘vector’ in the sketchup model tab, it again zooms in.! :confused:

Unchecking the Override box leaves the viewport set to render as Raster. Either check the box again or choose to render the viewport as Vector in the SketchUp Model panel before exporting.

Yes. You should. It’s because, as I already told you, your model is placed so far from the origin. Move your entire model close to the origin and you won’t have that problem. Make sure you turn on hidden tags first so you can select everything to move it.

Okay I feel dumb but the the origin is the intersection of aces right? in that case I moved it right at the building and Im still facing the issue. :||||||||
(I moved the axes and not the origin, if thats not what I am supposed to do, do tell me what I should do?)

No!. Please go back and read what I wrote.

The origin is a fixed point in space. The default location for the intersection of the axes is at the model origin. You have moved the axes a long way away from there. As I wrote, your model is located nearly 2-1/2 Kilometers from the origin.

Reset the axes and then move the entire model to the origin.

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Thanks Dave, that sorted it out!

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