SketchUp/ LayOut 2023 major problems

I like the changes made to SU 2023 but the performance is a big issue.

SketchUp: I was completing an exam in SketchUp when tape measure construction lines stopped working- disappeared when placed. Push-pull wouldn’t work either. Luckily I have 2022 installed and was able to switch over.

LayOut: Scenes don’t work. While the styles saved in a particular scene will update in the LO viewport, camera positions don’t. As a result it’s unusable for most purposes.

I can’t rely on LO 2023- As it is, it’s only good for graphic use but not for drafting.


Macbook Pro Late 2013 Retina
OS: Big Sur

Have you got a Reset button in the Camera section of the SketchUp Model panel in LO?

Hi Dave. Yes I’ve used that, but I’ve never had to use it before. It’s just that scenes need to be ultra-reliable for drafting and it’s not feasible to be depending on a reset button and having to re-jig things when I can simply use LO 22 instead.

If you do anything to the viewport that results in the reset button and dark background in the Camera section of the SketchUp Model window, you are overriding the Camera properties in the SketchUp scene. This is not new behavior. Prior to SU/LO21 (or maybe 20, whenever the reset button thing was added) modifying the Camera properties in the viewport would show the scene name starting with [modified] but it amounted to the same thing.

Overriding the camera properties in LayOut tells LayOut you aren’t interested in the camera properties set for the scene in SketchUp. This also comes into play if you modify the Camera properties in a viewport, copy it, and change the scene. The viewport won’t show the camera position for the selected scene unless you click the Reset button.

This also applies to styles, effects, and tags. If you override the visible tags for the viewport in LO, changes you make to visible tags for the scene in SU will be ignored.

Again, none of this is new in 2023.

Hi same issue, managing scene views from Sketchup and changing styles and layers when usefull into Layout, the Sketchup frame into Layout regarding Sketchup scene view does not keep in place.
Sketchup team said that is a known bug and will be corrected in the next update … but when :frowning:
Waiting for the update to start working with 2023 version.
Have a nice day

That is different than the Camera postion not updating at all in the viewport due to Camera properties being modified in LO.

It’s working fine now Dave.

I experimented with overriding a camera view in a SU scene, and then trying to initiate a new scene in the same viewport- This doesn’t work and requires a reset.

I’m not positive that I had previously overridden the views that were giving me trouble (hence requiring a reset), but I don’t think so. I’ll keep an eye on that to see if it pops up again.

I’ve just never experienced this problem before 2023.

Anyway it’s good to highlight this point.

Thanks for the assistance.

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For more than a decade I’ve been advising LayOut users to avoid modifying the Camera properties for viewports in LayOut. This is especially important if you add dimensions and labels over the viewport.


Yes, I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks again Dave.

The other problem was SketchUp itself. I was on a Zoom call and demonstrating while modelling. I created a construction line and positioned it- It disappeared. There were also problems while modeling. I had to bail out and use 2022 which worked fine.

I wonder if it had anything to do with using Zoom at the time.

I wonder if guides had been disabled via the View menu? When this is disabled, you can created them and see the tentative guide move around as you place it, then it instantly disappears when completed.

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Good suggestion thanks. I just did a check there as I never need to switch off guides. I turned the guides off, but then SU turns the guides on by default when I create one. So that rules out that potential issue.

Hmm, that must be new behavior in recent releases. SketchUp Pro 2018 (which I generally use) does not auto-enable guides when creating a guide. That’s not a bad feature. :slight_smile:

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Yes it is. It’s unfortunate that so many of the little imrovements are too “small” for them to be highlighted in the description of the releases.

That gives me an idea for a good post! Thanks.

I agree with Dave. I always rely on my scenes in SU. I do make modifications to the tags in LO for drafting purposes only and then hit reset after I am done with the specific task…such as dimensioning.


Thanks Nick. Good to hear from you. :+1: