SketchUp has been Crashing for the Dumbest of Reasons

That’s highly unlikely. They are basically the same program, with some features removed or disabled in Make.

My profile is for my Mac Pro, but I also use SketchUp Pro 2018 on my MacBook Pro 2014 which has Intel Iris 1536MB integrated graphics (no discrete graphics card) with no problems in SketchUp.

That could still be a possibility.

Not in my experience, though I use SketchUp (Pro) 2016 for 99.5% of my work, rather than 2017 or 2018 (both of which I use occasionally). I keep SketchUp open for weeks at a time before quitting and restarting it (with dozens of hours of active SketchUp use spread over that time).

As I have stated repeatedly, there isn’t any one model that does it. The bugs I’ve listed can happen in any model, any time. I guess you’ll just have to take a look at my model, and play around with it…
…Maybe attempting to complete the Union Pacific SD70ACe (the train) in the given model…
(Also, the forum would need to make the maximum file size 3MB for me to upload the model…)

Do you experience the frequent, but not constant crashes that I am facing? (I think I’ve sent about 150 crash reports using BugSplat in my year and a half of using this)

Put the file on dropbox or some other file host and insert the link in a post if the forum rejects the upload

Wait, it’s my graphics card? Are intel cards not beefy enough to run SketchUp? I do not use Hot Corners to switch through my models. When I said “Repetitive”, I meant with SketchUp’s native tools. I really don’t do any window switching outside of the F3 key (Is this a “Hot Corners” Function)? Also, I do not use PC, so anything PC related would be a complete mystery to me.

I don’t currently have access to web hosts and servers, at the moment, and I’m still trying to work out Google+. I should probably post in my description that I am still in school.

Intel cards have never been recommended for SketchUp. Their support for OpenGL is well known to be poor.


I do not use SketchUp Pro. I’ve tried it, but I use Make, because I use it as a hobby, and not professionally. I do not have a NVIDIA card either. I, too, have an Intel HD graphics card.

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and also an estimated 150ish crashes over the past year and a half ???

You’ve been unusually tolerant here.

Well, Let’s see, I lost a train station, several locomotives, entire town models, collections of useful components, and a lot of other things to SketchUp’s crashes, and today was the day I put my foot down and said something about this.

I think it’s past time you get a computer with a suitable graphics card that is up to the job you need it to do.

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That is if I could afford one. Also, I am not out of school yet. (High school sophomore). I am migrating to another computer that I have, soon, and it is a higher end Mac that should handle what I am doing, but for the time being, I will have to be vigilant.

What is the status of a potential SU Make 2019? Have others mentioned this, or am I alone?

Like I said that demonstrates an unusual level of tolerance towards SU.

Others want to burn down the company headquarters after only one or two crashes. You’ve demonstrated the patience of a saint… perhaps there’s a higher calling for you here.

At the very least you’re deserving of your very own SU Forum badge for tolerance or patience… take your pick.

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I wouldn’t hold my breath. It looks like going forward if you want improvements in the desktop client version, you are going to have to go Pro.

Thank you for the compliment. I’ve actually found that I do a better job the second time I try something after a crash, but I become unnecessarily paranoid about another crash (I wish I wouldn’t). At least I was able to save a piece of my project that crashed today…

I cannot spend $900 on a pro license, whether you can use it on an unlimited amount of computers or not. I’ve actually had my pro trials crash doing the same types of things, so I don’t think it is licensing.

It isn’t $900 for a pro license. The model for the future seems to be clear. If you aren’t going to pay for it, the options will be to stick with SU2017 Make or use the browser based version. There are other threads on the topic. You can poke around.

Well, I may be a few hundred dollars off, I haven’t checked, but it is still way too expensive for me. Thanks for the help. This is an issue I will have to deal with.

for a little better stability, and performance…

Use >View >Face Styles like… Monochrome, or Wireframe, rather than Shaded with Textures.

The less your graphics card has to handle the better off you’ll be.