Sketchup Go gets stuck saving

About once every five times I go to save a design, Sketchup Web version (with Go license) gets stuck at the “Saving” stage. If I close the browser (after 10 min or more) I’ll be warned that the model wasn’t saved, and when I come I see that indeed it wasn’t. Windows 10

If you have a either a group or component open for editing while it is trying to save, it won’t save. Sometimes, though it might be your connection or it might that work is being done by Trimble. When that happens to me, I try to save once I’m out of the edit mode. If it still doesn’t save, then I either wait a while, or I “x” out the screen and re-open and resume where it saved the last time.

Thanks. I also found that when it was stuck I could open the same design in a different browser tab and save it there.

This happened again, couldn’t save my work at all, though I let it sit for more than an hour. Wasn’t in group edit mode. Very irritating. It wasn’t due to my connection or the Trimble server being down, since I could open Sketchup in another window.