I was a many year user of free Google SketchUp, but haven’t used it for several years now. Just started a subscription for SketchUp Go. Ahem, things have changed. I’m accessing the program through Windows 11, Firefox is the browser.
The first thing I noticed was I can’t figure out how to access any colors other than the very limited number,displayed in a vertical matrix, on the Materials side bar. How does one access the color wheel/palette?
What about a menubar at the top? Finally (for this session) are there any tutorials for Sketchup Go on YouTube or even on Trimble? On YouTube everything is aimed at the user interface I became accustomed to over the years, but is apparently not available to me now. Perhaps I am just missing something big.
This video is three years old now, but still gives you the idea of what the differences are between the desktop version and web version, as far as tool layout is concerned. That has changed recently, in that the web version is now a lot like the iPad version. Still, start with this one:
@JustinTSE did an intro to iPad, and watching that may help too:
You have a Go subscription, so if you have an iPad you can use that version too, and then Justin’s video well help as well.
For the colors question, the web version is different in that you don’t see the various sets of materials, and have to click on the Colors in Model to see what you’re using instead. What it shows right away is the colors in model:
Thanks!! I gather the only colors in Go that one can access are those in that matrix you illustrated in your reply — no access to a color wheel/palette as in Pro?
One last thing, and this is pretty silly: I’m now a subscriber. Yesterday, I inadvertently deleted the bookmark that took me to the Go App on my PC. How do I start using Go again? I can sign in and see my account info, just can’t return to actually using the program.