Expanded toolbar and no color pallet

hello - i’m just learning Sketch Up, up grading to GO, taking a course. I don’t have the horizontal menu bar so can’t access View Toolbars, can’t get to Expanded Toolbar, and when I use the paint bucket I have no colors to choose from.
What am i doing wrong?

It sounds like you are following some tutorials for SketchUp Pro which uses some of the interface elements you are talking about. The web versions, Free and Go use a different interface style. Most of the same tools are all available but their location, icons and look is different.

Ok. Thank you.

  1. Is there a color palette for the paint bucket with GO?
  2. Can I cut away a circle, for example, on a side wall with GO ? I’ve made the circle but I can only seem to push and pull it.

There is a Materials panel on the right side. Take a few minutes to look at the different panels on that side.

Show us a screenshot of your model so we can see what you are trying to do.

:wink: there are many expanded menus, like Dave says.

This is very basic SketchUp stuff. I highly recommend the square one series for iPad. It will help you IMMENSELY and Is separated into tiny chunks to help you get exactly what you need.

It’s actually not entirely clear which version the OP is using, ‘for Ipad’ is somewhat different to ‘for web’ albeit closer than desktop.

Makes sense. I was going off of them saying they had upgraded to “Go” in the first post. But could be either, you are correct. Here’s hoping they show a screenshot. :smiley:


Here are some screen shots, I see the materials tab, but no color palette… also shouldn’t there be a horizontal menu bar so that I can choose View Toolbar?

Click on the search button, then select the library you want.

Nope. Not in the web version. There are no options to cutomize toolbars in the web versions.

FWIW, your screenshots show that you are still using SketchUp Free. Sign out and sign back in to get to SketchUp Go.