SketchUp Free in Browser: Ausblenden (fade out) ok aber wie geht Einblenden (fade in)?

Ein Teil AUSBLENDEN geht mit dem Context Menue. Aber wie geht wieder EINBLENDEN?
A piece fade out is ok by Menue, but how can I fade In?

that solution is not what I am asking for. I am asking how can I fade in a piece I had faded out before.

Fade Out or hide one may find at the context menue. Fade in or unhide there is no menue. What to do if one would like to unhide or fade in?

Based on your description, “Unhide Last” usually works if it was something you just hid moments before. What @dezmo had shown was how to turn on Show Hidden Geometry so you click on it and drill down to whatever context it’s in, and then “Unhide Selected” is a possibility. The frustrating and unintuitive thing if you use “Unhide All” is that it does not unhide every hidden thing in the whole model no matter what as you might expect. It only unhides raw geometry in the context level you are in at the moment. Knowing in your head what context that is without seeing it is possible, but challenging in the least.

Edit: Actually this is a fair question. The above is true for the desktop version, but right now I can’t find the equivalent unhide operations in the web version which I seldom use these days. I am more used to the iPad version than web so I looked at that as well. It has an unhide all command that doesn’t work as I described above, it unhides all regardless of context level.

Are there keyboard shortcuts for the web version?

Yes, but you have to make your own for these apparently. Use the magnifying glass to search for “Unhide” (“Einblenden”) and create your own shortcut keys.

Ich habe jetzt eine Möglichkeit gefunden für UNHIDE bzw. FADE IN bzw. EINBLENDEN: zuerst über das Contextmenü AUSBLENDEN auswählen, danach in der Durchsuchen-Zeile (mit der LUPE) das Wort “Einblenden” eintippen. Dann hat man die Möglichkeit das zuletzt ausgeblendete oder alle ausgeblendeten Teile einzublenden. Ungewöhnlich, aber es geht.
Der vorherige Post mit dem Screenshot hat glaube ich dasselbe vorgeschlagen. Vielen Dank.