Ive saved my files on my computer and also to trimble connect. However when I opening the model on my ipad, it does not open the most recently saved images.
Try “make file available offline” and see if that forces the update?
how ??
When you have a model located online, you can use the three dots menu to get options, one of which is “make available offline”
Thanks, which screen are you showing me here, on the ipad or windows 11 pc???
iPad loading screen. The first one you see once you’re all signed in.
@tominthegong and @stanko_putica In addition to Dani’s suggestion to toggle’make available offline’ for the files you would like to ensure are up to date on your iPad, check out our recent 6.5.7 release. That app version includes bug fixes to keep Trimble Connect files (especially those in the recent files list on the homepage) more consistently synchronized to changes on Trimble Connect.