Sketchup failed to open document. Please help

When I open the file and “Failed to open document” appeared.
I have tried to open both .skp and .skb files and it says the same thing.
Is there anyone who can help me?

Where have you been saving the file while you are working on it? Your profile says you are using “Free Plan” SketchUp 2021. Does that mean you are using a cracked version?

I made the wrong choice by mistake.
I use pro 2023 at work, and use pro 2021 at home.
I’ve been saving the file on an external hard drive while I’m working on it.

Working on files saved directly to an external drive or to the cloud has resulted in corrupted files for many users. It might be that @colin can manage to get something from one of your files when he gets to work in the morning but it might be worth starting on a replacement file in case he can’t. Save the file to the internal drive while you are working and copy it to the external drive when you need to take the drive with you.

Both files seem to be cut short, and missing a lot of important data.

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