Sketchup extension warning sketchup 2024

Hi, help needed.

I´m new to sketchup and I already made it crash.

I installed some extensions from warehouse. All was fine until I installed some light extension and sketchup crashed.
I uninstalled and reinstalled sketchup, erase all the extensions from “extension warehouse- my extensions”
But now it still says “extension warning” and crashes when i dry to open it.

macOS 15.2
Apple M1 Pro chip

What extension exactly? and what version are you using? Your profile says SketchUp for schools but that’s an online version for little schoolchildren and has no abillity to use extensions…
Update your forum profile and provide us with accurate information.


the license is Sketchup Studio.
What version- 2024, 24.0

It was welcome to lightup v6.15
I have now erased all extensions from extension warehouse, but it still craches.

You could see if having LightUp 6.16 or later helps. Here’s the list of recent versions of LightUp: