SketchUp downloads .txt file instead of .skp file

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SketchUp will not let me download a .skp file of my models, it will only download .txt files. I’ve tried 50 times, I’ve searched Google for solutions, tried them all, changing name, etc, with no luck. I’ve read this is a Bug, but how could it not be fixed by now? I’ve mainly been using Trimble Identity on my Chromebook, but now I need to do more advanced stuff so I’m starting to work on my Mac Mini with my SketchUp Pro account. I can’t find where to access all of the models that I have saved on Trimble, so I am trying to Save as a .skp file and then open it on my Mac MIni. I have recently (2 months ago) had no problems downloading one of my models as a .skp file. It would be best if I could just access my models saved on Trimble directly from my Mac Mini and not have to waste time saving .skp files. But I will still need to eventually be able to download .skp files. It shouldn’t be this hard. TYVM!

Sounds like what used to happen with email attachments between a Mac and a PC 20 years ago.
Have you tried another browser in your Mac?

Try going to this page, and see if you can download the files from there:

Thank you so much, you’re the best!! That’s exactly what I needed! I found all of my SketchUp models there and can download them in .skp format!

You should also be able to open the files from within SketchUp on you Mac:
There is a tool palette ‘Trimble Connect’ in the [menu] View > Tool palettes
You’ll have access to your models directly.

One step further would be to download the Trimble Sync tool, and have your projects be synced automatically.

Great tips, thank you! Syncing my model files was going to be my next quest! I’ve been modeling (surprisingly well) on my Chromebook and SU web-app for several years, but some of my models are getting pretty big, and I want to use the Large Tool Set & my 3D Connexion Spacemouse, so I’ve just fired up the old (2012) Mac Mini. I’m having to re-learn patience waiting for the spinning pinwheel, something that never happened on the Chromebook. Thanks again!:grinning:

Faced the same issue. Search how to change extension of a file for windows 10 in youtube. Watch the first(or second) video. Fixed!

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The way I originally fixed this is to use Firefox browser to open and then download the file in .skp format, worked perfect.

Google hasn’t had anything to do with SketchUp in more than 10 years.

I don’t have any issues downloading .skp files from the web version of SketchUp using Chrome. I just download this file using Chrome.

OK, that’s great news!