Sketchup does not start after win 10 update

A shot in the dark, try disabling anti aliasing in the graphics settings.

I didn’t have it turned on

More of a general comment on Windows 10 issues recently - it seems Win 10 has some unresolved graphics issues - breaking drivers etc.

I have tried an old Windows technique of disabling most visual effects (a work station type setting)
Control panel>system>advanced system settings>performance settings>visual effects>adjust for best performance. I then just turn thumbnails back on.

This may rule out a few complexities and/or give a slight speed boost.

I don’t think the answer you mentioned above is relevant to what our problem is, the issue we have is SketchUp iteslf is not starting at all, even with driver, c++ redist and sketchup reinstalls and removals, SketchUp is not launching

any special configuration as a multi monitor setup or running in a virtualized surrounding or on a docked notebook w/ an external display connected or using a 3Dconnexion device or an overzealous security suite/firewall blocking?

Yes - it is just generally related to your issue (possible GPU driver issue).

I often perform similar operations just to rule out obvious issues when I can’t identify a problem. Taking any step sometimes leads to discovering something else.

single display only, I’m on a desktop. I dont even have a firewall running

try if the OpenGL-wise less demanding SU Make version 2016 runs.

yes 2016 works, but i’m on a 980ti, it should can handle higher demand stuff. And I hope I can run later version of sketchup

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I see you are on a desktop. I am running '18 on a GTX 970. The config you have should work. Do you have a CPU with onboard graphics, if so switch to see what happens. It’s possible your graphics card is failing.

Do either of you have unusual characters in your user name?

I am on a Xeon e5, no onboard display

update your graphics card driver to the recent version 417.35 (12.12.2018) if not already done.

updated, but checkUp is also not working too, graphics is not likely be the problem

I think we need to remember the original poster here has an NVIDIA RTX 2080 and his SU was apparently broken by a Win 10 update (that was subsequently uninstalled).

@KazumaTheOtaku your issue may not be exactly the same - did it happen after a Win 10 update?

It will get confusing if we are trying to solve 2 different problems.


@neulant - as you seem to have dealt with possible driver issues, I start wondering about the hardware.

The RTX 2080 has had some issues (discussed on the NVIDIA and Reddit forums).

I get the impression uninstalling the latest Win 10 update may have not been successful. Can you afford the time to do an OS “fresh start”?
(settings>updates and security>recovery)

A less likely option to this is system restore, which is still available in Win 10 - I sometimes have it enabled - you could check if it was enabled.

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@KazumaTheOtaku based on the latest info on your issue you mentioned in another post (you have windows errors being produced) - if you know how to follow up on your windows error reporting, and check out online solutions, that can be very helpful.

You could also try a Windows recovery option.

No can’t make a followup, since windows error reporting doesnt show up and it disappears for abt 2 seconds, I haven’t use sketchup for a period of time, but I can pretty sure I can’t revert my os to older versions. I don’t really think I can go for a fresh start since it is loaded with so many applications

As much as I hate to say it, it is possible you have some malware or a virus. Try that path or consider a fresh install of Windoze.

malware isn’t present on my computer