SketchUp default characters - Green man!

Don’t get me started on those forms Simon! :exploding_head:

I have a child who genetically takes after my mother and two other children who take after my dad. Put them together and based on skin tone and hair you wouldn’t know that they were sisters.

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Do you remember that 1960s song about needing a melting pot to “turn out chocolate coloured people by the score”? The writer didn’t really understand how genetics work, did he/she?

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Some days ago I got the idea of an emoji-picker-like dynamic component where you can customize the skin tone to your own taste, and I ditched that idea. Do these emoji pickers rather do good (in sensibilizing about subtle discriminations) or do they rather put skin color differences too much into the foreground? I’ve never seen a LEGO-yellow person, so as a child I perceived yellow not as the “norm” color, but as an unreal and rather neutral color.

And mine is changing all the year.

And SketchUp scale figures definitely need a quota for Scottish kilts!

By the way, would it be ok to change the topic title to “SketchUp default characters – diversity” ?

Yes. And maybe it should be moved to Corner Bar as it isn’t really a Happening, is it? If there was a category called “Happened”…


Am I the only one who pictured him?

I admit to a bit of trolling, I have seen the same Michael Moore film and I know the meaning of the word. But my point was just that in a strict sense, human races don’t exist, and the term comes from 19th century racial theorizing that is completely flawed. Genetically humans form a continuum, and, for instance, recent research has proved that quite recent ancestors of current Europeans were “black” skinned and blue-eyed.

Of course, as for the coiners of the word it meant essentially “the superior people”, just like “aryan”. Both assume from perceived linguistic similarities that Europeans originated from between Europe and India. Strictly taken, European speakers of non “Indo-European” languages (like my Finnish or Gaelic, Hungarian or Breton) don’t qualify as “Caucasians” or “Aryans”.

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Huh? Looks like Jack Nicholson. Try this:

I agree. Moved.

You guys are all friggen’ awesome.
Last thing I wanted to do was stir up any hate. That’s a promise.
I really wanted to know if there was any diversity to the characters - I guess it’s something I, among others I know, talk about- probably not too many signed up users of the forum who read posts and comment often.
I guess I should have simply said “hey, it would be kinda cool to see a more diverse character come up more than not” - just some thoughts, like I said, since SketchUp is used all around the globe.
Last thing I want is some race / hate war going on.
This was just last night (a happening topic among most late night talk show hosts recently so…)

Things are unintended, or maybe just not even shone light upon until some bothered ones make a peep? Whether called “implicit” or whatever. I’m totally not accusing anyone of anything bad or intended.
… if all the SketchUp characters were one race other than yours (not saying that’s what it is now)… wouldn’t it be nice to see a more diverse one more often than not? Again, I really don’t want any hate or negative thinking brought to the subject. Just throwing some wild ideas out there- maybe SketchUp 2021?

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Post just lodged made for you: 3 Free 3D Posed People for SketchUp?

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I think that you, and me (and Wei) would not be good scale figures. You are taller than most women, and I’m shorter than most men. It could make judging the size of the model a bit harder!


You are trying to hold up to many balls…

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BTW, I miss the one and only…

Who does seem like a special breed.

I think we all dig what you are getting at.
But only the ones that are affected, truly understands, I guess

I might have put a little sign on my shed:

But this could also be explained as: ‘Look at me how committed I am’.

I might be a struggling white caucasion or just struggling, for that matter.

Anyway’s, the (almost) complete list of scale figures is of course available here:

In the Mensen.layout scrap book. (‘Mensen’ is translated, it means ‘people’)

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That dinosaur is awesome. Let’s stick to that one! :rofl:

Does that read BUM?

Nooooooo…a caucasian reptile in Western clothing. It should surely be a lizard of colour, and that colour, as we all know, is green!

Or was this dinosaur an ancestor of Michael Jackson?

Thanks so much for sharing your inner thoughts :grinning:

  1. The dinosaur isn’t a real person.
  2. Does anyone know the skin tones of dinosaurs anyways? Or fur/ hair colors? looks fine to me.
  3. My point was the characters were based on actual employees. It’s okay if you don’t understand. No one expects you to!
  4. Thanks again for sharing your true racist thoughts. People like you should be banned from posting entirely.

also, I didn’t know a t-shirt and pants are “Western clothes.”
Here’s an idea. Take a trip on an airplane once in a while and explore the world.