SketchUp default characters - Green man!

Said dinosaur is actually based on a real person (who happens to be a SketchUp employee).

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I guess I meant the dinosaur would be better than the actual 2D person everyone sees.
The dinosaur itself never actually worked at SketchUp - still better than that one guy every one always sees. (talking about that particular employee with those same clothes and hair)
The man (the actual employee) is not a dinosaur.
I did think some of you might say that after I wrote “based on” -
Not sure if you’re understanding the point of the topic…

Responding to the original question, there are 3 non-caucasians in the that cast of characters; I won’t point out their nationalities as I’m not 100% certain. Sang, Sophie and Chris, also the list isn’t complete as it doesn’t have Bryce, Sandra, Helen, and Josh in the lineup (though they’re all White so moot to the original question.)

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Why, thank you, kind sir.

I’m afraid you have completely missed my point and the irony implicit in my post. Of course we have no idea that dinosaurs are any particular colour or whether they had fur or feathers. Also, Jack and I often make jokey comments about each other’s posts and this is the Corner Bar after all…

If you think I’m racist, you’re entitled to your opinion. But who started this whole thread I wonder? Who really cares what colour the Sketchup characters are? It’s a non issue - until someone tries so hard to make it one. You managed to offend @DaveR and I’m going to follow his very sensible lead now. Ta-ra.


of course it’s a non-issue to you.

Why do you want to classify people by the hue of their epidermis? That, to me, is racism.
You may call me a paleface but I refuse to be a Caucasian.


Just a thought - my two cents. Take it for what it’s worth. (thanks for posting again here in the thread btw).
In a situation related to this issue -rather than a member of the SketchUp team message me, asking me to change my headline from “any non-Caucasian?” to “diversity” because some thought it to be “confusing” or “inticing” [sic] (enticing) -wouldn’t it be great if we lived in a world where instead, those, confused and enticed to receive the PM (rather than the Poster of the topic) for their vulgar or off topic comments again, my two cents -you be the judge
-especially for something that is pretty much darn tootin’ true?

so… it’s really not me who classifies people by their skin pigments. It’s the sad world we live in today.
By the way, lol, who said “paleface”? Wasn’t me. Funny though. Sun is our friend!

If only you understood my comments…:slight_smile:

Anyways, I think SketchUp is in good hands:


That’s excellent! Maybe next year a new sort of figure for 2021. Equality in the workplace!
On a side note, please, no stereotypes or “tokens”! :rofl:

Actually, my word was “inciting”.

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You’re correct that others can message you, there’s nothing stopping them. My only intent with any suggestions here is to remove ambiguity and this thread had very quickly moved from being about non-causian to being about diversity.

In either case, I’ll just bow out of this thread now as there seems to be some desire to pick a fight in here or stir up the community.


Rob also offered a very nice internal email with his thoughts and realizations that makes me feel we are indeed in good hands with our most recent leader. (He only took the helm at the beginning of the year.)

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Agreed, there are some who want to veer off topic, stir up trouble, or just ignore when race and inequalities are brought up.
You’re right! - I misread your PM you sent to me about changing the heading- last thing I wanted to do was misquote you and look what happened! I admit I was wrong there…
Again, My… point… remains…

Is your point that SketchUp has a racially biased hiring practice that you’ve uncovered by their default figures of unknown race? If so it’s quite an accusation to make and it feels like you’re manufacturing a serious issue when one doesn’t exist. It seems like you’re implying that there is some problem with not having all races represented in a company. Thing is it’s not always possible to do that especially in smaller companies. I think there is a lot you simply don’t know that might make you reconsider this whole mission.


No. I think I wrote it above in the thread quite a few times that the default figures were unintentional (at least twice above anyways). It was a thought I had. And I hope that young children of all races can start using SketchUp at young ages, become engaged, and then apply for jobs where they can become the Default character one day. Please check my messages in the thread above.

At any rate, I’m glad that Rob Painter wrote an internal email about his realizations and I feel great about the direction they’re headed in! … I’m a huge fan of SketchUp, but it just sort of made me feel that way every time I opened a new project and saw the default figures… and I wanted to express my thoughts.

While I agree, I feel funny having to point out that hey can and they do.

And while I appreciate you admitting the obvious fact that the default figures race portrayal is “unintentional,” it still feels like you’re convinced it’s some kind of issue. If it’s an issue at Trimble, what are you actually accusing them of?

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Again, no accusations here. I think this is at least the 4th time I’m saying that.
I’m expressing my thoughts and possibly, just possibly, others have that same thought.
Apparently not too many that post and check the forum frequently, but I don’t doubt other users do, since SketchUp is used widely around the world.
To be honest, yes, pretty much everything is more important than this, but it still was a thought I felt like expressing- isn’t that what forums are for?
I guess I’m wishing that all races were treated equal, educated equally, and able to have great skills that let them apply for great jobs equally and be default characters for SketchUp equally.