Sketchup crashes all the time 2023


Well, you’re the fourth person in 3 days, I wonder if the very last update from sonoma touched something ?

anyways, since I’m a bit lazy under the weather, I’ll copy my message from another thread :wink:

you should keep an eye on this thread, it’s about su 22, you’re SU23, but it might be related as you have similar symptoms.

when it crashes, 3 situations :

  • do you get a bugsplat ? if so, do you send it properly ? (so colin can look at it and maybe see the problem)
  • if no bugsplat, do you get an apple crash message ? if so, you might need to copy it in a text document and provide it.
  • nothing ? nothing is not good, it means neither sketchup nor macos see this as a crash.