Sketchup can't export to DWG as it kept showing not responding!

I’m having trouble in exporting my sketchup file into dwg…

Requesting for help in exporting to DWG

Please help me with this problem​:pleading_face::sob::sob:

How many edges in the model?

If you want us to help you share the .skp file.

Hello, That you so much for replying.

I have 3,280 edges in my model.

Like I said, share the model file.

Sorry, how can I share my .skp file? It’s to big to uplode here.

Who are you and what happened to 555ppj75jb?

Normally people sharing huge files upload them to a file sharing service like DropBox or WeTransfer and share the link.

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I think this works

It worked.

Where did you get that number?

Try nearly 26,5 million edges. That’s going to take a long time to export.

Get rid of the heavy entourage components and the people. They aren’t helping anything.

Also correct the tag usage in the model. ALL edges and faces should be untagged.

Purge the unused stuff. No need to be hoarding that.

Also clean up the matierals There’s no need for those huge texture images.

Reduce the model to the stuff you really need.