hello, I cant sign in sketchup campus,
I try all course, but … no.
can anybody help?
I interested lay out design package.
thanks in advance
I have the same problem, I cant sign in, not from phone, not from my macbook
hello, I cant sign in sketchup campus,
I try all course, but … no.
can anybody help?
I interested lay out design package.
thanks in advance
I have the same problem, I cant sign in, not from phone, not from my macbook
Hi. What message or error are you receiving? You need to make sure you have a Trimble ID account and enter that in on the sign in page. Please post a screenshot if possible to help us diagnose faster.
same thing as me
What happens if you clear your internet caches and then go to the site and click Sign In in the upper right corner?
I clear all caches, not help, I try sign from MacBook, also from my android phone, but its impossible to sign in. in other things I sign in in Trimble ID without problem, I only can not sign in in campus
Did you notify the Campus team via the email in the posted notice?
I reply to every email sent to the Campus email, and typically reset Campus accounts within a day. Please be sure your email was sent or try again. Thanks!
I have the same problem. It used to work but now it just resets. I emailed tech support and they told me lots of things to try that did not work. They then said they didn’t know what the issue was since they could not recreate it. Left me hanging.