I am working on a project with multiple other professionals. We are the only ones using SU. The others are on ACAD. I seem to have a consistent problem with SU accuracy output. Whatever gets exported from SU is always several millimetres different when overlaid in CAD.
So an engineer sent me his grid layout for columns. I overlay this in ACAD with other people’s files and everything overlays perfectly.
I import the ACAD file into SU and draw over it with SU tools.
I setup a parallel projection and export a CAD file.
When I overlay the exported CAD file over the original grid layout, it is off.
This has occurred on a couple of projects and I would like to get to the bottom of it. Any ideas?
Share an example .skp file so we can see what you are working with and help you diagnose where the problem lies. There’s no reason you shouldn’t be able to make precise models.
SketchUp’s representation of circles and arcs as collections of edges will interfere with precision of round-trip import/export between SketchUp and 2D CAD, especially where an edge intersects a circle or arc. Is that what you are seeing?