Help! My guides no longer seem to be working. I’ve updated the style and also made sure the guides box was ticked under the view tab. Someone else mentioned toggling with ctrl on? What does that mean/how do I do that ?
The tape measure tool appears like it’s going to create a guide until I click it to make the guide line and then it disappears again. It was working fine last time I was using sketchup but now it’s not working. I’m on a PC
Are all tags turned on?
Also make sure you are drawing with untagged being the active tag (what used to be Layer0).
p.s. your image shows at least one existing guide. Indicating that this most likely has to do with not using tags in the correct way. Leave untagged the active one at all times.
eddited: … with the default tag being … → … with untagged being …
eddited: Leave default tag the active one … → Leave untagged the active one …
I’m taking a course and they instructed to turn off all tage except for the kitchen cabinets to make it easier to place the handles. Should I turn them all back on?
To post a file, use the 8th icon from the left on top of the text zone to upload your file. Place your cursor on top of an icon and wait a few seconds to see a pop-up text showing its function.
For the use of tags, see this image (Capture d’écran = Screen capture):
You have been using tags incorrectly. You have a tag active that is inside oa hidden tag folder. When you add more guides they are given the active tag so of course they won’t show.
OMG THANK YOU!!! so glad I found this forum!!
what do you mean by its in a hidden folder? like the cooktop tag for example is within the kitchen/laundry folder so that means its hidden and wont show the guides if I’m active on the cooktop tag ?
how do I make sure the untagged is active at all times in the future? when the pencil is beside it that means its the active tag right? if its on the wrong one how do i change the active tag?
The active tag, which is called “kitchen handle” is in a tag folder called KITCHEN/LAUNDRY and you have that tag hidden. Note the blank eye icon to the left of the tag folder name.
Yes. Basically. Not the cooktop tag, though.
Yes. Keep the pencil icon at Untagged. There should be no reason to change it. If you do make tags active you will have to work much harder in your modeling because you will have to chase the active tag as you work. If you leave Untagged active at all times you won’t have to worry about it at all.
Click in the blank area to the right of the Untagged row. Don’t change it.
I removed the tags from the guides as well as the edges and faces in your model which I attached.